Monday 10 March 2014

Recent Buys & Spring Picks

Today I'm making a blog post to discuss my most recent purchases, most of which are items I have chosen especially for spring. Some of the items on this list, though, are items I have not yet purchased but would like to purchase or consider good spring picks. I will list and discuss why I bought these items below!

- The first item I want to talk about is my Dreamy Kitty Sweetheart Dress from Bonne Chance Collections. Pictured in the top left above, it had lots of ruffles and has a cute cat print. I've been wanting a Bonne Chance dress for months, and this design was just too cute to resist, so I took advantage and ordered it for the main piece in my spring wardrobe. It is great for both casual and relaxed-formal occasions.

- The second of my most anticipated items this spring is the Moe Crewneck from OMOCAT APPAREL. Omocat is my favorite artist, and I find their style, tweets, and overall influence very inspiring. Again, an Omocat crewneck was something I had wanted for a while, and back in December when this crew was previewed I knew it would be perfect for me. So I jumped on the chance to order one on the night the spring collection was released.. It should arrive this week, and I am beyond excited for it. 

- Pictured in the top row are two items from Valfre. The Girls Rules Journal, and the Holy Chic Tote. I just discovered Valfre's website last month, though I had heard good things about her totes before on instagram. After what I saw on her site, I was tempted to buy so much, but settled on my two favorite designs in the form of a tote and journal, two items I had been wanting!

- I preordered this Crying Hearts shirt from artist Beth Rich just yesterday when it launched! I love Beth's art (see it for yourself at @beth2rich on instagram!) and am looking forward to wearing this cute design on a shirt. I already have so many outfits planned to incorporate it into.

- I purchased two spring bottoms from Forever 21, the Rose Skort and Chambray Skirt (no longer stocked). They don't have the color I bought in the skorts anymore, but mine is black with peach roses. Very cute, and nice flowing material. The chambray skirt didn't fit as well and feels a bit awkward, but since it goes really well with some of my shirts I overlook it.

- I grabbed this super, super cute beanie from The Secret Society of Ex Mermaids (shhh....) the other week. Despite just discovering the brand through Nylon Mag, I thought that their premise and pretty logo items were very intriguing, and purchased this beanie. I have worn it almost every day since receiving it. It's very warm in the chilly wind, and came with some cute bonus goodies.

 - I haven't actually bought the peach crop top from eBay yet, but I thought it would look great with my floral skirt. A bunch of people I follow on twitter are adding them to their spring collections, so I think it would make a good addition. It's super cheap too, haha. I will probably buy it either tonight or tomorrow.

- I also have some makeup scattered throughout this collage. They are all NYX items that I found on Funk N' Frost. Two are lip butters, in Strawberry Parfait and Tiramisu shades, and the tiny green packet is a set of 100 Green Tea blotting papers for makeup smears and oily skin! I am planning on grabbing these items to stick in my new tote, as I am short on makeup lately. 

So those are my spring picks for 2014! I got to pick out a lot of nice things, and was fortunate to have leftover money from my birthday in January (as well as rolling all my spare change) to be able to spring for a bit of extra shopping. There are some other things I am hoping to look at for the late spring/summer season, and will make a wishlist post about all that soon. But for now I'll say goodbye, and wish everyone a happy start to their daylight savings time.

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